Licensed Warehouse


Agricultural products licensed warehouse enterprises, considering the economic needs and efficiency conditions, T.C. It is established as a joint stock company with the permission to be given by the Ministry of Customs and Trade. In the establishment of the company, it is required to have a paid-in capital in the amount determined by the regulation according to the storage capacity, not less than one million liras, and to submit the documents shown in the relevant regulation. An operating permit (license) is granted to a company that obtains an establishment permit only if it is determined that it fulfills the conditions stipulated by the Law. The company cannot engage in warehousing activities, accept products, or issue product bills without obtaining an operating license. No name, title, sign or similar can be used to give the impression of a licensed warehouse or licensed warehouse operation without obtaining a license.


Those who apply to obtain a license to operate a licensed warehouse are obliged to provide a licensed warehouse guarantee in the amount determined, not less than 15% of the product market value of the warehouse capacity. Again, licensed warehouse operators are obliged to take out insurance for their business facilities and the products they store within the scope of licensed warehousing activities, as a condition of license. Agricultural products deposited in the licensed warehouse are analyzed and classified by authorized classifiers with valid licenses.

In case a product is delivered and accepted to the licensed warehouse, a product receipt is issued for the product in question. Weighing receipt and similar documents with evidential quality, which are issued outside the product bill at the time of delivery, can also be used to prove the ownership of the product.
The product certificate or other documents with evidential quality; guarantees that the product is returned to the depositor in the same quantity, type, class and quality, and this delivery means vedia (trust) not sales. Product bills can also be created in electronic environment, as well as printed product bills. At the delivery of the product, it takes back and cancels the product certificate of this product.


Products are delivered from licensed warehouses where they are stored. However, depositors' requests for receiving the product from a licensed warehouse other than the one delivered can be met within the framework of the procedures and principles specified in the regulation. If the product has not been taken back from the warehouse, the licensed warehouse operator shall notify the depositor in writing, at least thirty days before the maximum storage period specified in the relevant regulation expires. At the end of this period, part or all of the product that is not taken back can be sold by the licensed warehouse operator in accordance with the nature of the product and the market conditions. In this case, the licensed warehouse operator deducts the fees and expenses and pays the remaining amount to the relevant person within seven working days.

Product specialized stock exchange
After the proposal of the Ministry of Commerce and the Capital Markets Board, it is established as a joint stock company by the decision of the Council of Ministers. In the establishment of the company, it is necessary to have a capital of not less than five million TL for those who will operate at the regional level, ten for those who will operate at the national level, and five million TL for those who will operate at the international level. An operating permit (license) is granted to a company that obtains an establishment permit only if it is determined that it fulfills the conditions stipulated by the Law. The company cannot engage in product specialized stock exchange activities without obtaining an operating license. It is obligatory to control and register transactions such as the purchase and sale of electronic product bills and similar bills representing the product, arranged by licensed warehouses with trading contracts and licensed warehouses, in product specialized exchanges. The ownership of the product cannot be transferred to someone else unless it is registered in the stock exchange. If a product specialized exchange where quota and related electronic product bills and future contracts are bought and sold is not operating, these are traded in commodity exchanges, where the adequacy of technical, institutional and financial infrastructure is determined and permission is obtained from the Ministry of Commerce. Regarding Electronic Product Bills; Registration of the purchase and sale, payment of the transfer and price, protection of the rights of the buyer and seller and third parties, fulfillment of their obligations and other matters related to the purchase and sale are the responsibility of the exchange, and the losses arising from these transactions are compensated by the exchange.

Authorized Classifiers
These are laboratories operated by real and legal persons that analyze agricultural products, determine the quality and characteristics of the product, classify them in accordance with standards and certify these issues, by obtaining license under the Law No. 5300.


What are its Purposes and Goals?

1- Prevention of price decreases due to the accumulation of supply in agricultural products during harvest periods and balancing the market,
2- Small farmers and product owners, who have financial difficulties in particular, provide loans and financing from banks through product certificates that they receive in return for the products they give to licensed warehouses,
3- Making agricultural products trade on products with widely accepted standards, promoting quality production, creating a safe market,
4- Recording the trade of agricultural products,
5- Achieving the agricultural reform currently being implemented in our country and increasing private sector participation in agricultural products trade,
6- Minimizing government interventions in production and pricing, achieving significant savings from high expenditures in this area, avoiding interventions that distort the free market and price formation,
7- To obtain a stable and higher income level with a system that is easily marketed, well-maintained and transportation costs are minimized for the producers of agricultural products,
8- Providing a new investment tool for investors as an alternative to foreign currency, gold, stocks, interest and the like,
9- Easy supply of products whose quality is determined according to scientific criteria and price stability is ensured by our merchants and industrialists dealing with product trade,
10- Trading of agricultural products through product certificates or electronic product certificates without the need for physical goods and samples to be shown and delivered,
11- Transition to futures and options markets in agricultural products with a standardized product and licensed warehouse system,
12- Creation of new business areas in terms of product storage, banking and insurance sector,
13- It is aimed to play an important role and have a share in the trade of agricultural products in the Middle East, Balkans, Turkic Republics and Asian geography, where our country is located.


Licensed Warehouse

What are the benefits?

The licensed warehousing system provides the farmer with time benefit for the product he obtains, and ensures that the amount he wants is stored while preserving its freshness in order to use it at the time he decides or to trade.
The licensed warehousing system, which creates a healthy and safe storage environment, provides the opportunity to use product promissory notes and loans from banks for convenience in trade, and also provides the opportunity to market the products at their real value by saving time, provides great economic convenience to the farmers.

Licensed Warehouse

What are the advantages?

* The Advantage of Storing Up to 24 Months of ELUS Printed under State Guarantee
* 2% Withholding Exemption (For sales on the platform)
* Government Support of 3 TL per Ton per Month to All Depositors in Leasing
* Before the Product Leaves the Warehouse on BorsaKonya Electronic Trade Platform of the Products whose ELUS has been created
* The Opportunity of Realization of Trading is Provided.

After the Publication of the New State Support Communiqué
* For Farmers, 3 TL Rental Support Per Ton Plus Up to the ÇKS Amount of the Product Delivered in the First 6 Months (for sales on the platform)
* Analysis Support for Farmers up to the amount of ÇKS 25 TL per vehicle (for sales on the platform)
* For Farmers, 25 TL Shipping Support per Ton up to the Amount of ÇKS (for sales on the platform)

Licensed Warehouse

İş Akış Şeması

Product Delivery to Licensed Warehouse


Receiving the Product from the Licensed Warehouse
